Not Free!.
This is a 30 day evaluation, it's not free. Free would not have a 30 day limit to it's use. Since I need one hundred words to have this posted you can stop reading this cause I have said what I wanted to already. The free posted in the script above is misleading and you won't know until you have downloaded and installed that you have a time limited program. If they are going to post that it is free, then it should be completely free and not an evaluation of the program. It sure can be a long way to the one hundred word mark just to make a simple statement about a program. I will admit to not trying the program since I'm a little ticked about a time limit. Wasted my time downloading it, and having dial-up that really ticks me off.
Pros: 30 days to try it out.
Cons: Put all your stuff in it and lose it in 30 days or pay.
Program is listed as free but is a 30 day trial.